Sunday, October 10, 2010

Deep into the School year yet?

The first 4-week session of the Triad Catholic Co-op is over. It has been a lovely, lovely first 4 weeks. The shorter day has been a blessing for all of us. For one things, I do not get home exhausted. And that makes for a happier day for everyone.

This Friday is a "day off" and just in time for me to take my crew to a near by pumpkin patch. Nice time for a field trip.

Next week will begin our second 4 week session. Most of the classes will remain the same. I'm changing my class though to Art. Liz created some lovely home holy water fonts I'd like to make with the co-op. Followed by some garden stepping stones, corn husk dolls and (more) Shrinky Dinks ornaments. I just love Shrinky Dinks.

We are beginning to plan an Advent Activity Day for December. Then a real winter break. Good for the weather, the colds and to get in some whole weeks of school before gathering again in February.

Hope the school year is off to a good start in your home. Peace Be With You!