Friday, November 7, 2008

A Little Rendezvous

A Field Trip Success! I wasn't sure our family would get to join co-op on this trip to Rendezvous Mtn. The drive seemed daunting and traveling with a baby is always a challenge. Yet the clear weather and a little reminder that trips like these are a "perk" of homeschooling tipped the scaled in favor of going. So very glad we did! Enjoy the pics.

Here Holly and Joseph are waiting on the Ranger to explain about "friendly logging" strategies.
I'm the logger cutting down the "trees". I hope this was time I was being eco-friendly!

Mary Hannah and Elizabeth are being cut to make perfume, of course!

A pleasant group of trees, awaiting their fate!

Gathering for the forest lesson.

What a mom can see from the Ranger Station: Our beautiful Appalachian Mtns.

What a baby can see from the Ranger Station.

Yvonne, Nicholas, Joel and Ellen take in the view.

Eager students learning about the animals in the forest!

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